
Vaught's Practical Character Reader
by L.A. Vaught
Chicago Institute of Phrenology

From the Introduction:
Human character is the same as human nature in its last analysis.  Human nature is composed of elements that are unchangeable in their nature and the same the world over.  At least forty-two of these elements are now know.  Individual character is a particular combination of these elements in which some lead or predominate.
  To read character, then, is to understand these elements and determine their individual and relative strength in men, women, and children.  This can be done. Heads, faces and bodies tell the story.

The 42 elements of Human Nature:
Amativeness, Conjugality, Parental Love, Friendship, Inhabitiveness, Continuity, Vitativeness, Combativeness, Destructiveness, Alimentiveness, Acquisitiveness, Secretiveness, Cautiousness, Approbativeness, Self-esteem, Firmness, Conscientiousness, Hope, Spirituality, Veneration, Benevolence, Constructiveness, Ideality, Sublimity, Imitation, Mirthfulness, Individuality, Form, Size, Weight, Color, Order, Number, Locality, Eventuallity, Time, Language, Causality, Comparison, Human Nature, Suavity

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