
The Book of Life: The Spiritual and Physical Constitution of Man
published in 1912 and reprinted in 2004
A culmination of discoveries from 1859 to 1884.
by Arthur E. Merton, aka Dr. Alesha Sivartha (1834-1915)
"The Human Race has been marching upwards from the first ages of history. Under what law has that might procession of the ages taken place? Science and history both answer that man has advanced step by step, from the ignorant and selfish rule of his lower brain organs up toward the beneficent dominion of his higher faculties.  The laws which have controlled that vast upward movement are still in force. They are fixed in the very constitution of man. And they are of supreme importance at the present time, for they determine what new institutions and what social changes are now required to meet that higher growth of nations."

Website by the great-great-grandson of Sivartha, of which has all the illustrations:

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