
1 comment:

X said...

Atlas Der Hautkrankheitem
(Atlas of Skin Diseases)
5th Ed. 1913
E. Jacobi

Xeroderma Pigmentosum-

"A very rare, occurring mostly family and is in very young developing the disease xeroderma pigmentosum (Melanosis lenticularis progressiva, Liodermia essentialis dar.) under the action of light initially produces erythematous or eczematous inflammation of the skin of the face, arms and hands, from which, gradually a large number of moles of various colors, Teleangiektasieen, warty growths, and finally atrophic, white, sunken spots develop (Fig. 166). The atrophy may gain a substantial extension of time, just take the pigmentation in number and size. Particularly important is the fact that often even in early youth, sometimes later the pigmentation pigmented malignant tumors, carcinoma, sarcoma develop, which may lead to metastasis. The diagnosis is difficult in the beginning with further development, are not difficult to. The prognosis is quite unfavorable, but the suffering can extend over years. The therapy is in the beginning by keeping away the chemically active rays of light (yellow veil with dyes, respectively quinine said ointments, or Zeozon Ultrazeozonsalbe) process to prevent progression of the search. The tumors must be surgically removed, but remain recurrences, metastases also rare. "

-translated from german using google.