
1 comment:

X said...

"The first of the three Grandmasters was born in Fukien in 1849. He came to the world covered with hair from head to toe (hypertrichosis). His horrified parents, convinced that they had given birth to a demon, abandoned the infant in a forest near the Fukien Temple. A passing monk rescued the newborn and presented him to the Shao-Lin Masters. The Masters realized that it would be nearly impossible to find a family willing to adopt such a child, so they decided to raise him themselves. They named him Su Kong T'ai Djin."

-A Shaolin-Do legend? There is no historical or biographical evidence available other than slight variations of writing styles on the same story found on the internet. Did this story begin on the Shaolin-do website (http://www.shaolin-do.com/history.php) and then copied elsewhere? If Su Kong T'ai Djin existed and was he GM of Fukien temple, & did he have hypertrichosis and is this a picture of him or of Li Baoshu, who existed at the same time (photos of him put on display in Beijing zoo in 1921 according to Frank Dikötter).