
1 comment:

X said...

"Eskimo Child"(1937)- photographed in Tuktoyaktuk, Canada by Margaret Bourke-White(1904-1971)

This photograph was shot for an article entitled, "A 10,000 Mile Tour of Canada's Northwest with Lord Tweedsmuir" (October 25, 1937); however, this photograph was not published in the article. A caption to other photographs of "Natives of Northwest Canada" read, "In all Canada there are only 6,000 Eskimos. A handsome, industrious, good-natured race, they are quick to make friends, quick to adapt themselves to new conditions. Learning the value of money, they became shrewd at business, prospered at trading and trapping. Today some of them earn $40,000 a year or more, own motor-driven schooners, charter planes, pay $300 a ton for coal, buy radios to fetch jazz into their igloos. Because they consume so much oil in their diet, it is a rare Eskimo who ever gets drunk."

- vpphotographygallery.com